About Reflexology


 07730 555 875

Reflexology is a therapeutic complementary therapy and is based on ancient eastern principles that different points on the feet and hands correspond to different areas of the body. By applying gentle pressure on these areas, it can help the body restore its natural balance and achieve a better state of wellbeing.

Reflexology can help with:



better sleep




Reflexologists work with all age groups and adapt and tailor treatments to the individuals needs. There may be occasions when the reflexologist advises against treatment so it’s worth contacting the therapist to discuss whether a treatment is suitable for you.

Reflexologists may also recommend a course of treatments for some people so they can gain the maximum benefit for their needs.

The only real way to know if reflexology will help you is to try it.

Reflexology does not prescribe, cure or diagnose and should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice.

What does a treatment involve?

A treatment lasts for 30/60/80 minutes however the initial session will be slightly longer to allow for a consultation to take place where a full health and lifestyle history will be obtained. This will help a reflexologist to advise and tailor the treatment for optimum health results. A consent form is signed and all the information given is strictly confidential.

The treatment is non-invasive and the client will be in a reclined seated position with bare feet. The therapist will apply gentle pressure with their thumbs, fingers and hands on the reflexes in the feet. Areas corresponding to parts of the body which are out of balance may feel uncomfortable or tender and the degree of tenderness will indicate the degree of imbalance. The sensitivity of the feet varies from person to person but should not be too uncomfortable.

Overall, the treatment should be relaxing and after a few treatments most people experience a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.

Reflexology may be the perfect way for you to bring balance and relaxation back into your life.

Aftercare Advice

Various reactions may occur following a reflexology session, these may include cold like symptoms or a minor rash. These are normally subtle and many of the reactions are positive signs that the session is part of a healing process and are indicative of the body’s attempts to return to a state of balance and harmony. Symptoms usually last for 24-48 hours.

After a treatment it is advisable to drink lots of water, avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for 24 hours.