Myth #1 Reflexology will Cure Me

Reflexology will not cure or solve your medical concerns. Reflexology is a Complementary Therapy that complements orthodox medicine. It should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice. Reflexology will promote a healing response in your body, helping to restore a natural balance and a better state of well-being. The Reflexologist will conduct a health and well-being consultation where the treatment can be adapted for optimum health results.


Myth #2 My Reflexologist will be able to Diagnose Me

A Reflexologist will have very good knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology but they are unable to diagnose a medical condition you may have. If you are concerned about any symptoms you may be experiencing you should always consult with a doctor.


Myth #3 Reflexology is just a Fancy Foot Massage

Much, much more than a foot massage! Firstly, you should always check if your Reflexologist is a member of the Association of Reflexologists? This will ensure that the Reflexologist is highly trained and has reached a high standard of professional excellence. They will demonstrate continuing professional development, abide to a Code of Practice and are insured to practice.

The Reflexologist will have a wide knowledge of medical conditions and an excellent understanding of Anatomy and Physiology. By using their fingers, thumbs and knuckles they will apply pressure to reflex points in the feet which correspond with the organs, glands, tissues and muscles in your body. This will allow for a healing response, creating balance within the body and all of its functions.


Myth #4 Reflexology Won’t Help Me

Reflexology may be the perfect way for you to bring balance and relaxation back into your life. Some of the many benefits include:

  • Tension Release
  • Improved well-being
  • Encourage better sleep
  • Stress Reduction
  • Improved mood
  • Improved energy

Reflexology can benefit people in many different ways, but if you are unsure the best way to find out is to try it.


Myth #5 I don’t like my Feet

Everyone’s feet are individual. A Reflexologist will not judge someone by their feet and have probably seen it all before! If someone is unsure, they usually feel different after having a Reflexology treatment. Your feet work hard and they deserve a treat.

A Reflexologist cannot treat if there is a bacterial or fungal infection present.


Myth #6 Reflexology is Painful

The treatment is non-invasive and the client will either be in a reclined seated position or lying on a treatment couch with bare feet. The Reflexologist will apply gentle pressure with their thumbs, fingers and hands on the reflexes in the feet. Areas corresponding to parts of the body which are out of balance may feel uncomfortable or tender. The sensitivity of the feet varies from person to person but will not be too uncomfortable. The Reflexologist can also adapt the pressure of the movements to suit the client.


Myth #7 My Feet are too Tickly

Reflexology should not be tickly, it should however be a thoroughly relaxing experience. The pressure in which the Reflexologist uses can be adapted for individual preference.


Myth #8 Reflexology is only for Adults

Reflexologists work with all age groups from babies to end of life care. It can benefit most people and treatments can be adapted and tailored to individual needs. A full health and well-being consultation will take place before the treatment to allow the Reflexologist to recognise the areas and reflexes that may need some more attention. If the client is under the age of 16 a parent/guardian will be present throughout the process.