There are a few conditions/contra-indications that have to be taken into account before a decision can be made whether or not a Reflexology Treatment would be suitable. The reason for this is to keep you and the Reflexologist safe. If you are ever in doubt as to whether you can have a treatment the best option is to always consult with your Reflexologist.


I have written a few of the more common contra-indications below for your information:

If you have an infectious or contagious disease.

If you have imminent medical tests or procedures as Reflexology may obscure your results.

If you have Cellulitis or Gangrene.

If you have an undiagnosed illness or severe pain. – see GP

If you have Thrombosis or Deep Vein Thrombosis.

If you are under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs.

If you have had a Stroke.

If you have had an Aneurysm

If you have a fracture, open wound or burn to the foot.

If you have a high-risk Pregnancy

If you have severe bleeding – see GP

After a Surgical Procure. You must be signed off by your Consultant.


If you are ever unsure as to whether Reflexology will be beneficial to your needs please contact your Reflexologist and your GP/Consultant/Midwife for confirmation.