Winter Wellness and Reflexology

As I am sat writing this there is a very gentle flurry of snow here in Livingston, but the sun is still shining. It’s the time of year where we are in the depths of winter, but spring is just around the corner and never far from our mind.

Reflexology can help support your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing during the winter months, which is a time where we can have difficulties with our mood, energy levels and immunity to name a few!

The benefits of Reflexology at this time of year include:

Improved Sleep

During my consultation on your first appointment, I have a section about sleep and every time I ask a client if they feel tired during the day, the answer is almost ‘yes’. Lack of sleep can have a real detrimental effect on our health. Reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment that incorporates applying pressure to reflexes that encourage the release of sleep inducing hormones.

Improved Mood

The shorter, darker days can lead to a lack of being outside and soaking up some fresh air. This can lead to low mood and in some instances depression. Many studies have shown that Reflexology is beneficial in helping low mood, it is also important to speak to a qualified health professional if you feel you could do with some extra help with your mood.

Improved Energy

A reflexology treatment will help to boost circulation generating warmth, particularly good for those with cold hands and feet. As sluggish blood flow improves as will your energy levels combating fatigue. During a treatment specific reflexes on the feet that correspond to different areas of the body can help to improve energy and balance.


For anymore information about how Reflexology may help you during the long winter or how it may help someone you know please get in touch.

Lots of Love



*Reflexology cannot diagnose, cure or prescribe and should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice*